If asked about my greatest achievement

In an existence as short as 21 years, one could never quite reckon notable accomplishments. This is the stage where life in the real world is only starting; in fact, the previous years are pre-programmed and is the same to almost anybody. At the age of 7 or earlier, schooling would begin until the next 20 years or more. Life after college is the best part to achieve accomplishments, and at 21, a person is only starting to work on goals and dreams.

            So if asked about greatest accomplishments, a 21 year old would say for sure that finishing school, earning a degree and passing licensure exams to be professionals would be the greatest achievements a person at that age would have. School projects and requirements would have been the most difficult challenges faced. The struggles for passing a subject would be the hardest dilemma, and satisfactory grades and positive feedbacks from professors would be the most rewarding compensation. Typical 21-year-old's will answer this, unless they are geniuses and got a degree at 15.

            Accomplishments don’t actually need to be based on long-term goals. As easy as finishing a task with high quality and receiving staunch critics from it is an achievement one must be immensely proud of. As long as the person is living a life they would want for themselves, and deciding on things according to their will, is an accomplishment anybody should be boasting on, because, it is incontestable that not all people have the freedom to do that.